Deteriorating pupil behaviour England: Concerns are escalating as reports indicate that pupil behaviour is deteriorating in schools across England, according to teachers. A recent survey highlights a troubling trend of increased aggression and disrespect in classrooms, with many educators facing physical assaults from students. The situation paints a grim picture of the current state of school discipline and raises questions about the effectiveness of existing behavioural policies and support systems. Key takeaways Nearly 20% of teachers in England have been physically assaulted by pupils this year. Incidents include spitting, swearing, and chair-throwing, often by very young students. Teachers attribute the rise in violence and abuse to the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. The Department for Education has invested in behaviour hubs and mental health support. Some schools are successfully implementing new rules to improve student conduct. In England, teachers are reporting a significant increase in challenging and violent behaviour among pupils, with one in five educators experiencing physical aggression in the current academic year. Teachers Face a Rise in Classroom Challenges Classrooms in England are becoming battlegrounds as pupil behaviour worsens, say teachers. The BBC survey, using Teacher Tapp, revealed that primary and secondary school teachers are observing more frequent physical altercations among students than in previous years. Experienced educators like Lorraine Meah have noticed a marked decline in student behaviour, with even the youngest showing dangerous tendencies. “Read more: Teachers Report Increasingly Bad Behavior in English Schools” Efforts to Counteract Deteriorating pupil behaviour England In response to the worrying trends, schools like St John…